Google makes it easier to draw 3D masterpieces with Tilt Brush

Google has updated its VR art app, Tilt Brush, with tools that could help you create that 3D masterpiece you've been wanting to draw forever. The tech giant has launched 12 new brushes for the application, which produce different textures and volumes for the most lifelike artwork possible. Since the brushes can generate shadows and highlights on their own in a virtual reality space, you won't have to think too much about perspectives and angles. Google says you can even use some of them to create three-dimensional objects simply by moving your controller.

[Sample strokes of the 12 brushes.]

In case you're new to Tilt Brush, you can now choose to get started in Beginner Mode with only the app's core tools at your disposal. When you're confident enough to switch to Advanced Mode, you'll only have to press its button to conjure the app's other tools. Google has also updated Tilt Brush with the ability to pin objects in place, so they don't move around if you're working on pieces populated with a lot of elements. And if you're unhappy with a sketch, you can now keep holding the controller button to undo (or redo) as many actions as you want. Make sure to update your app to get access to all these features, so you can finally finish that masterpiece and show it off in Tilt Brush's online gallery.

Source: Google

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