
Showing posts from December 14, 2018

Virgin Galactic finally made it to space. Here's what that means.

Space It's not just a big deal for future space tourists, either. The work these companies are doing could be tremendously helpful in opening up more research opportunities to labs around the world. via Popular Science ""

Puzzle gifts for your friend who likes a challenge

Gadgets ...and presents with 1,000 pieces. Not sure about what to get your friends or loved ones for the holiday? Have no fear, here are puzzle gifts for people who are puzzled about what to get. via Popular Science ""

New data shows that Fentanyl kills more people than heroin

Health These four charts show how the opioid epidemic is evolving. Since 2011, overdose deaths have risen by 54 percent, up from 41,340 to 63,632 in 2016. But within those deaths, there are a number of trends emerging. via Popular Science ""

This weekend’s comet will be the brightest of the year

Space 46P/Wirtanen will be fuzzy, green, and visible with the naked eye. On Sunday, December 16, the comet named 46P/Wirtanen will pass a mere 7 million miles from Earth and will look green and fuzzy as it passes in the night sky. via Popular Science ""

Self-driving, burrito-carrying rovers are going to talk to us with their eyes

Technology This cute new robot is a bundle of sensors and smarts. Here’s how it works. Here's what you need to know about the new delivery rover from Postmates. via Popular Science ""

Daily Deal - Victoria II, 75% Off

Today's Deal: Save 75% on Victoria II !* Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are! *Offer ends Sunday at 10AM Pacific Time via Steam RSS News Feed ""

How long can an event hold humanity's attention? There's an equation for that.

Science Societies forget, and this physicist wants to know why. A team of social scientists tried to create a qualitative method for analyzing the process by which societies forget. The results were published this week. via Popular Science ""

Home improvement gifts for people who love getting their hands dirty

Gift Guides You know, those people that are always outside making you look lazy. Put that smart light bulb back in the re-gifting pile. Here's a gift guide for the friend or family member who is always outdoors, cutting up brush, and posting photos… via Popular Science ""

Now Available on Steam - 古剑奇谭三(Gujian3)

古剑奇谭三(Gujian3) is Now Available on Steam! 《古剑奇谭三:梦付千秋星垂野》是网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙自主研发的大型3D单机角色扮演游戏。本代作品进一步扩充古剑世界观,以写实唯美的风格描绘广阔的山川河岳,将久远的人情世故以全新的画面表现,带给玩家更贴近真实的游戏世界体验! via Steam RSS News Feed ""

How to wrap wine bottles, tennis racquets, and other weird shapes

DIY With paper, scissors, and tape—no gift bags required. Not every gift fits that traditional rectangular shape. Here are a few ways to wrap weirdly-shaped items with nothing but wrapping paper, tape, and scissors. via Popular Science ""

Why do people need to sleep?

Health To keep your mind and body healthy, get some shut eye. There’s nothing better than a good night’s rest. But have you ever wondered why that’s true? It’s hard to understand how important sleep is to staying healthy and… via Popular Science ""