
Showing posts from July 23, 2018

Cell-sized robots could help find disease within your body

Small robots aren't anything new, from DARPA's insect-sized disaster relief bots to diminutive inchworms powered by humidity . Now, though, researchers at MIT have likely created the smallest robots, yet: Microscopic, cell-sized electronic circuits made of two-dimensional materials that catch a ride on colloids, insoluble particles that stay suspended in liquid or even air. Since these minuscule devices can sense their environment, store data and carry out computational tasks, they could eventually be found in oil and gas pipelines, checking for leaks. They could be deployed into the air at a chemical refinery to sense harmful byproducts, or even into the human digestive tract for early detection of illness. "We wanted to figure out methods to graft complete, intact electronic circuits onto colloidal particles," MIT's Michael Strano said in a blo...

#vBrownbagBrasil – Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops!

Olá Homelabers! Passando rapidinho para avisar que hoje a noite (23/07 às 21:00 hs) vou apresentar no #vBrownbagBrasil a minha palestra Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops! Uma divertida abordagem sobre as mudanças do cenário de IT atual utilizando como base as regras de sobrevivência do filme Zumbilandia (Zombieland Survival Rules) .... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

#vBrownbagBrasil – Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops!

Olá Homelabers! Passando rapidinho para avisar que hoje a noite (23/07 às 21:00 hs) vou apresentar no #vBrownbagBrasil a minha palestra Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops! Uma divertida abordagem sobre as mudanças do cenário de IT atual utilizando como base as regras de sobrevivência do filme Zumbilandia (Zombieland Survival Rules) .... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

#vBrownbagBrasil – Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops!

Olá Homelabers! Passando rapidinho para avisar que hoje a noite (23/07 às 21:00 hs) vou apresentar no #vBrownbagBrasil a minha palestra Um guia para sobreviver ao apocalipse Zumbi em IT Ops! Uma divertida abordagem sobre as mudanças do cenário de IT atual utilizando como base as regras de sobrevivência do filme Zumbilandia (Zombieland Survival Rules) .... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

Парсер для правил NSX Distributed Firewall

VMware NSX позволяет экспортировать правила распределенного фаерволла в файл в XML формате. Данный формат не очень удобен для анализа и включения в документацию, поэтому я написал небольшой парсер, конвертирующий правила из XML формата в HTML или CSV. Скрипт имеет следующий формат: Parse-NSXRules.ps1 -FilePath -ResultPath [-Property ] [-Format ] и использует следующие параметры: -FilePath - (обязательный) Указывает путь к XML файлу с правилами. -ResultPath - (обязательный) Указывает путь к файлу, в котором будут сохранены результаты. -Property - (опциональный) Указывает перечень столбцов для отображения, разделенных запятыми. По умолчанию отображает все столбцы. -Format - (опциональный) Указывает формат итогового файла. Поддерживает CSV или HTML. По умолчанию используется HTML формат. Примеры использования скрипта: #Сохранить результат в HTML файле .Parse-NSXRules.ps1 -FilePath C:TempN...

Парсер для правил NSX Distributed Firewall

VMware NSX позволяет экспортировать правила распределенного фаерволла в файл в XML формате. Данный формат не очень удобен для анализа и включения в документацию, поэтому я написал небольшой парсер, конвертирующий правила из XML формата в HTML или CSV. Скрипт имеет следующий формат: Parse-NSXRules.ps1 -FilePath -ResultPath [-Property ] [-Format ] и использует следующие параметры: -FilePath - (обязательный) Указывает путь к XML файлу с правилами. -ResultPath - (обязательный) Указывает путь к файлу, в котором будут сохранены результаты. -Property - (опциональный) Указывает перечень столбцов для отображения, разделенных запятыми. По умолчанию отображает все столбцы. -Format - (опциональный) Указывает формат итогового файла. Поддерживает CSV или HTML. По умолчанию используется HTML формат. Примеры использования скрипта: #Сохранить результат в HTML файле .Parse-NSXRules.ps1 -FilePath C:TempN...

Learn about vSphere 6.7 at VMworld 2018

Learn about vSphere 6.7 at VMworld 2018 Learn about vSphere 6.7 at VMworld 2018 vSphere 6.7 was released in April of 2018 and has garnered quite a lot of interest from our customer and partner community. If you haven't yet taken a look at this latest release and the features within, then VMworld 2018 is […] via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

Redefining the Agile Enterprise via Application Vvirtualization in Non-Persistent VMware Horizon Desktops

by Aju Sukumaran, Senior Manager, EUS Client Engineering, VMware When it comes to technology, enterprise users expect their work environments to duplicate their personal ones, and that means 'everywhere' there is persistent and flexible management. The Horizon 7 with VMware App Volumes™ and User Environment Manager provides a persistent user experience on a non-persistent virtual The post Redefining the Agile Enterprise via Application Vvirtualization in Non-Persistent VMware Horizon Desktops appeared first on VMware on VMware . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr ...

Redefining the Agile Enterprise via Application Vvirtualization in Non-Persistent VMware Horizon Desktops

by Aju Sukumaran, Senior Manager, EUS Client Engineering, VMware When it comes to technology, enterprise users expect their work environments to duplicate their personal ones, and that means 'everywhere' there is persistent and flexible management. The Horizon 7 with VMware App Volumes™ and User Environment Manager provides a persistent user experience on a non-persistent virtual The post Redefining the Agile Enterprise via Application Vvirtualization in Non-Persistent VMware Horizon Desktops appeared first on VMware on VMware . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr ...

Virtualization Based Security (VBS ) in vSphere 6.7

As we all know VMware has released their latest version vSphere 6.7 recently and there are many enhancements and new features .Now a […] The post Virtualization Based Security (VBS ) in vSphere 6.7 appeared first on VMARENA . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

VMware Certification Path for Beginners to Experts

VMware Certification Path for Beginners to Experts VMware Certification Path for Beginners to Experts Get a depth information of VMware Certification Path of Each Track and Level. VMware Social Media Advocacy via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr