
Showing posts from January 1, 2019

Astronomy Picture of the Day: The Orion Nebula in Infrared from WISE

The Orion Nebula in Infrared from WISE The Great Nebula in Orion is an intriguing place. Visible to the unaided eye, it appears as a small fuzzy patch in the constellation of Orion . But this image , an illusory-color four-panel mosaic taken in different bands of infrared light with the Earth orbiting WISE observatory , shows the Orion Nebula to be a bustling neighborhood of recently formed stars, hot gas, and dark dust. The power behind much of the Orion Nebula (M42) is the stars of the Trapezium star cluster, seen near the cent er of the featured image . The orange glow surrounding the bright stars pictured here is their own starlight reflected by intricate dust filaments that cover much of the region . The current Orion Nebula cloud complex , which includes the Horsehead Nebula , will slowly disperse over the next 100,000 years. January 02, 2019 via NASA https://go.nasa.

Is my drinking normal, or could I be an alcoholic?

Health Alcoholism rose 49 percent in the last decade. Nearly every group of people in the United States right now is drinking more than they did a decade ago. Here's how to know if your drinking is a problem. via Popular Science ""

It's official: NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has made history

Space Visiting the most distant object ever. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, which visited Pluto back in 2015, has successfully completed a flyby of 2014 MU69. via Popular Science ""

Why do I get congested when I drink alcohol?

Allergic Reaction Alcohol allergies are pretty rare, but intolerance is a lot more common Every time I enjoy a cold hard cider, I feel nauseated. Not immediately—first comes the congestion. Then I feel woozy. Then, hours later, my stomach churns. I wanted to… via Popular Science ""

Books are good for your brain. These techniques will help you read more.

DIY Turn yourself into a bookworm. Want to kick off the New Year with a new habit? Reading is a great way to relax, strengthen your brain, and improve your health. Here’s how to fit more books into your… via Popular Science ""

Everything you've ever wanted to know about muscles

Health Building them, tearing them, repairing them, eating them. Welcome to PopSci’s Muscle Month! We’re kicking off the season with an FAQ on all things muscle-related. via Popular Science ""