
Showing posts from September 12, 2018

Spotify raises offline download limit to 10,000 tracks

Spotify has quietly lifted its 3,333 song download limit with its latest software update, according to Rolling Stone . That's not such a small number, especially since it's per device for three devices, that it would keep you awake at night. But if you've been using Spotify for years and had already hit the limit in the past or don't have access to more than one phone, then this is definitely great news. Apparently, a number of people recently noticed that they're now able to download more than 3,333 tracks for offline listening. A Spotify spokesperson has confirmed the change to the publication, revealing that you can now store 10,000 tracks per device for five devices. Spotify's limits are a widely criticized aspect of the service, seeing as a lot of people can only enjoy it outside their homes or offices through offline listening. Althoug...

VMware: Descargar e instalar las nuevas VMware Tools 10.3.2 sobre vSphere 6.7 (proceso compatible con 6.x y 5.5)

Saludos amigos, hoy os traigo una entrada de Blog muy interesante, se trata de cómo actualizar las nuevas VMware Tools 10.3.2, lanzadas en Septiembre de… The post VMware: Descargar e instalar las nuevas VMware Tools 10.3.2 sobre vSphere 6.7 (proceso compatible con 6.x y 5.5) appeared first on El Blog de Jorge de la Cruz . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

VMware Tools 10.3.2 Released Fixing PSOD of 10.3.0 and including AppDefense

A few months back VMware has released VMware tools version 10.3.0, but there was a bug causing PSOD for Windows OS and VMware has informed their customers about this issue. Note that this 10.3.0 release was affecting only vSphere 6.5 customers. Today VMware has released VMware tools 10.3.2 and made the 10.3.0 version deprecated. (The […] Read the full post VMware Tools 10.3.2 Released Fixing PSOD of 10.3.0 and including AppDefense at ESX Virtualization . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets....

VMworld 2018 – Top VMworld Hands-on Labs já estão disponíveis

Olá Homelabers, Eu sou fã de carteirinha do HOL (Hands-On Labs) da VMware e não escondo isso de ninguém. O HOL é uma excelente ferramenta para aqueles que querem treinar e utilizar os produtos VMware sem precisar gastar nada. Hoje, o time do HOL disponibilizou 12 novos labs para uso de todos. Esses 12 novos... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

VMworld 2018 – Top VMworld Hands-on Labs já estão disponíveis

Olá Homelabers, Eu sou fã de carteirinha do HOL (Hands-On Labs) da VMware e não escondo isso de ninguém. O HOL é uma excelente ferramenta para aqueles que querem treinar e utilizar os produtos VMware sem precisar gastar nada. Hoje, o time do HOL disponibilizou 12 novos labs para uso de todos. Esses 12 novos... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

Register for VMworld 2018 Europe!

Register for VMworld 2018 Europe! Register for VMworld 2018 Europe! VMworld 2018 Europe takes Barcelona by storm this November. Meet experts, learn about industry hot topics, preview new hands-on labs, and attend networking events. VMware Social Media Advocacy Advertisements via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

VMworld 2018 – Top VMworld Hands-on Labs já estão disponíveis

Olá Homelabers, Eu sou fã de carteirinha do HOL (Hands-On Labs) da VMware e não escondo isso de ninguém. O HOL é uma excelente ferramenta para aqueles que querem treinar e utilizar os produtos VMware sem precisar gastar nada. Hoje, o time do HOL disponibilizou 12 novos labs para uso de todos. Esses 12 novos... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

VMworld 2018 – Top VMworld Hands-on Labs já estão disponíveis

Olá Homelabers, Eu sou fã de carteirinha do HOL (Hands-On Labs) da VMware e não escondo isso de ninguém. O HOL é uma excelente ferramenta para aqueles que querem treinar e utilizar os produtos VMware sem precisar gastar nada. Hoje, o time do HOL disponibilizou 12 novos labs para uso de todos. Esses 12 novos... via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets.

#449 – VMware Site Recovery Manager w/GS Khalsa

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VMware Horizon View 7.6 Released

VMware Horizon version 7.5 was releases at the few months back  and now VMware released the new version VMware Horizon 7.6 with has several improvements and enhancements . Addition to Horizon View VMware announced VMware User Environment Manager 9.5 and VMware App Volumes 2.14.2 also . Horizon 7 Version 7.6 Horizon 7 version 7.6 includes the following new features: New Horizon Cloud […] The post VMware Horizon View 7.6 Released appeared first on VMarena . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr Unsubscribe from these notifications or sign in to manage your Email Applets. ...