
Showing posts from August 13, 2018

NVIDIA's Turing-powered GPUs are the first ever built for ray tracing

Earlier this year NVIDIA announced a new set of "RTX" features that included support for advanced ray tracing features, upgrading a graphics technique that simulates the way light works in the real world. It's expected to usher in a new generation of hyper-realistic graphics but there was one small problem: no one made any hardware to support the new stuff yet. Now at the SIGGRAPH conference NVIDIA CEO Jen Hsun Huang revealed eighth-generation Turing GPU hardware that's actually capable of accelerating both ray tracing and AI. Turing can render ray tracing 25x faster than old Pascal technology thanks to dedicated processors that will do the math on how light and sound travel through 3D environments. They're also the first graphics cards announced with Samsung's new GDDR6 memory on board to move data faster using less power than ever before. ...

AirWatch & Workspace ONE SaaS Shift into Subscription Services Today

Key benefits of this change include a unified customer experience along with billing enhancements. To avoid any quoting or ordering interruption, be sure to check your organization's Subscription Services status here. If your organization is not active (or enabled), you will see a box labeled 'Sign Subscription Services Authorization Agreement' on the right of the […] The post AirWatch & Workspace ONE SaaS Shift into Subscription Services Today appeared first on Partner News . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr ...

Persistent Memory Performance in vSphere 6.7

We published a paper that shows how VMware is helping advance PMEM technology by driving the virtualization enhancements in vSphere 6.7. The paper gives a detailed performance analysis of using PMEM technology on vSphere using various workloads and scenarios. These are the key points that we cover in this white paper: We explain how PMEM […] The post Persistent Memory Performance in vSphere 6.7 appeared first on VMware VROOM! Blog . via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr ...

VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode

I recently posted about how my company is now a MSP reseller of VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC).  I showed how easy it is to quickly spin up a VMware SDDC in the public cloud.  Since I finally had a SDDC at my disposal, I went through and configured hybrid linked mode with our vSphere … Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode

I recently posted about how my company is now a MSP reseller of VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC).  I showed how easy it is to quickly spin up a VMware SDDC in the public cloud.  Since I finally had a SDDC at my disposal, I went through and configured hybrid linked mode with our vSphere … Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr

VCSA 6.7 を CLI デプロイしてみる。(embedded-PSC x2 の Enhanced Linked Mode)

vCenter Server Appliance(VCSA)は、GUI からだけでなく CLI でもデプロイすることができます。   以前に下記のような投稿をしましたが・・・ VCSA 6.5 U1 を CLI デプロイしてみる。(vCenter + embedded-PSC) VCSA 6.0 を CLI Install してみる。(External PSC + vCenter)   今回は VCSA 6.7 を CLI デプロイしてみます。 VCSA は vCenter Server 6.7.0a (Build 8546234)を利用しています。 Enhanced Linked Mode(ELM)で 2台を vCenter をデプロイします。   ISO イメージ ファイルのマウント。 デプロイを実行する OS で、VCSA の ISO イメージファイルをマウントします。 今回は Windows 10 の PowerShell から実行しています。 ISO イメージファイルは下記を使用しました。 VMware-VCSA-all-6.7.0-8546234.iso   Dドライブとしてマウントした場合は、下記フォルダに vcsa-deploy.exe があります。 PS> D: PS> cd  vcsa-cli-installer/win32/   JSON ファイルの作成。(1台目) デプロイ パラメータを指定した JSON ファイルを作成します。 JSON ファイルのサンプルのファイルが、ISO ファイルの vcsa-cli-installer/templates/install フォルダに 「embedded_vCSA_~.json」という名前で用意されています。 今回は ESXi にデプロイする「_on_ESXi.json」を利用しました。 PS> ls D:vcsa-cli-installertemplatesinstall | select Name     Name ---- PSC_fir...

How to get an A+ from Qualys SSLLabs on your Horizon UAG deployment.

So after a recent deployment of VMware 's Universal Access Gateway appliance (v3.3.0), it seems that out of the box, this appliance gets a B grade from SSLLABS.COM .  Obviously you want to make sure you get an A rating from a security perspective so here are the steps we took to achieve an A+ rating on the Qualys SSL server test. If you log into the AUG and go to Advanced System Settings, the first option you can change is the Honor Cipher Order .  This selection by default will get you a B grade giving you the following warning message in the report. Changing the Honor Cipher Order to YES will get rid of this Forward Secrecy grade cap. The next issue is the weak cipher suites as noted in the grade cap below. You can also change those in the UI right above Honor Cipher Order by pasting the following line. (be sure to remove line break) TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_...

VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode

I recently posted about how my company is now a MSP reseller of VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC).  I showed how easy it is to quickly spin up a VMware SDDC in the public cloud.  Since I finally had a SDDC at my disposal, I went through and configured hybrid linked mode with our vSphere … Continue reading VMware Cloud on AWS – Hybrid Linked Mode via Latest imported feed items on VMware Blogs If New feed item from , then send me an email at kr