Double Take: A Trunk Full of Questions By Kristi Finefield In this installment of Double Take , the blog series where we take a much closer look at images in our collections, we dig a little deeper into the story behind the photo below, featuring a truck – and a trunk! – of unusual design: Topham's Trunk auto. Photo by National Photo Company, between 1910 and 1935. The White House is in the background, so I know we are in Washington, D.C., but the truck is what caught my attention. What an unusual contraption! It appears the steamer trunk on the back was built either purely for advertising or the trunk (pun intended) of a cleverly disguised delivery truck! I would guess this is an advertising photograph, the truck angled to feature the trunk and business name, but carefully not blocking the White House. The information on the back reads: TOPHAM TRUNKS ...