
Showing posts from November 23, 2018

Astronomy Picture of the Day: Shipwreck at Moonset

Shipwreck at Moonset A crescent Moon is about to sink under the western horizon in this sea and night skyscape. The atmospheric photo was taken on September 11 from the desert shore along the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. So close to moonset, the moonlight is reddened and dimmed by the low, long line-of-sight across the Atlantic. But near the center of the frame Venus still shines brightly, its light reflected in calm ocean waters. The celestial beacon above the brilliant evening star is bright planet Jupiter. Namibia's Skeleton Coast was so named for the many seal and whale bones that were once strewn along the shoreline. In more recent times it's better known for shipwrecks . November 24, 2018 via NASA Manage this Applet

Scientists can now swap out bad spinal discs with lab-grown alternatives—at least in goats

Health A major mehhhdical advance. The goal is to figure out how to replace damaged intervertebral discs with ones grown in the laboratory using the patient’s own stem cells. via Popular Science ""

Should parents lie to kids about Santa Claus? We asked the experts.

Science Balancing holiday magic with the cold, hard truth. In the United States, 85 percent of 4-year-olds believe in Santa Claus. Is that OK? via Popular Science ""

Why do we go Black Friday shopping?

Science It's not all about the deals. You may spend your Black Friday watching news footage of the mayhem and rolling your eyes. But don't be so quick to look down on the line-standers of the world. via Popular Science ""

Here’s what you should do before setting up that new smart speaker

Gadgets Of course you bought a smart speaker—they're so cheap! Here's how to get the most out of it. It's not exactly plug-and-play. via Popular Science ""

When to repair your computer and when to replace it

DIY Make the cost-effective choice. Repairs can stretch out your computer’s lifespan, but at a certain point, your money might be better spent on a new machine. Here’s how to know which choice to make. via Popular Science ""

How to make customer service actually respond to you

DIY Force them to pay attention. What happens when a company won’t refund your purchase—or worse, refuses to answer the phone in the first place? Here’s how to get a response from customer service. via Popular Science ""

Four things you shouldn't buy this weekend (and one thing you probably should)

Gadgets Think twice before going on a shopping spree this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Think twice before going on a shopping spree this Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Not all deals are created equal. Here's what not to buy. via Popular Science ""

Apps that will make Black Friday way easier

Technology Finding the best deal is only half the battle. These apps will help get you home in one piece with deals worth bragging about. Read on. via Popular Science ""

What not to do on Black Friday

DIY Five mistakes that will sap your money and your sanity. When you hit stores on Black Friday, you want to get the best value for your money. To do that, you'll need to avoid the most common shopping mistakes. via Popular Science ""