Astronomy Picture of the Day: Barnard 150: Seahorse in Cepheus
Barnard 150: Seahorse in Cepheus Light-years across, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula appears in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, obscuring clouds are part of a Milky Way molecular cloud some 1,200 light-years distant. It is also listed as Barnard 150 (B150), one of 182 dark markings of the sky cataloged in the early 20th century by astronomer E. E. Barnard . Packs of low mass stars are forming within from collapsing cores only visible at long infrared wavelengths . Still, colorful stars in Cepheus add to the pretty, galactic skyscap e . October 25, 2018 via NASA Manage this Applet ...