'Papers, Please' official short film recreates the game's bleak tone

The official Papers, Please short film has been a long time in coming, but it's finally here... and if you're a fan of the game's grim Soviet Bloc atmosphere, you're in for a treat. The 11-minute production includes plenty of nods to the title's nerve-wracking customs checks, such as the dread you feel when you're not quite sure you should have let someone through. It also touches on the game's underlying theme -- how do you maintain some shred of humanity in a job that's frequently heartless? Be sure to turn subtitles on, by the way, as the dialogue is appropriately Russian.

Nikita Ordynskiy and Lilya Tkach produced the movie alongside developer Lucas Pope.

Short films for popular games are nothing new, but it's rare that they're officially sanctioned and tout the direct involvement of the game's creator. The Papers, Please short suggests these collaborations should happen more often -- it captures the essence of the game while making the experience feel almost too real.

Source: Nikita Ordynskiy (YouTube)

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