Apple Music's 'Friends Mix' is a playlist of your pals' top tunes

Apple is giving your friends the keys to your Music account. Okay, not really, but every Monday, it'll compile 25 songs your friends are listening to into a playlist dubbed, you guessed it, "Friends Mix." 9to5Mac notes that this doesn't seem to be tied to a specific iOS update. From the sounds of it, the new trick relies heavily on the social features (seeing your friends' listening history, specifically) announced last June.

Of course, this isn't the only playlist feature Apple Music has going for it. There's also "My Chill Mix" and the weekly new release mix. Editorial and personalized playlists have been Spotify's bread and butter for awhile, and Apple Music is keen to take a few notes from its competitor. The feature is currently in a staggered rollout so, if you don't see the mix pop up in your For You section, or Siri doesn't respond when you ask it to play the mix, just be patient. Welcome to the social.

Source: 9to5Mac

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