How to easily update your VMware ESXi Hypervisor to the latest version with one ESXCLI command

The below list of one-liner SSH commands allow all all ESXi enthusiasts to get to the very latest ESXi version (or any particular version) at any time. Seriously easy, much like apt get in Linux. Yes, even these VMware folks are included:

  • Free Hypervisor users
  • Small labs with ESXi only and no vCenter or VCSA, thus, no VUM (VMware Update Manager)
  • VMUG Advantage EVALExperience Subscribers

Let that sink in for a moment. It doesn't really matter that the Free Hypervisor and EVALExperience download sites aren't updated very often, you don't have to wait to get the latest version of the ESXi Hypervisor!

All hypervisor upgrades come with risks, including the slight possibility of losing your network connections, so proceed at your own risk only after reading the entire article, and after backing up your hypervisor first, and reading through ALL of the detaileds right below this list.

TinkerTry's comprehensive list of ESXCLI commands

This reference includes all ESXi 6.5.x and 6.7.x releases and patches.

Version Release Name | Release Date | Build Number

ESXi 6.7 EP TBD ESXi670-201808001 8/14/2018 9484548

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20180804001-standard -d

ESXi 6.7 EP 02a ESXi670-201807001 7/26/2018 9214924

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20180704001-standard -d

ESXi 6.7 EP 02 ESXi670-201806001 6/28/2018 8941472

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-20180604001-standard -d

ESXi 6.7 GA ESXi 6.7 GA 4/17/2018 8169922

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 U2b ESXi650-201806001 6/28/2018 8935087

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20180604001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 U2 GA ESXi 6.5 U2 GA 5/3/2018 8294253

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20180502001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 U1g ESXi650-201803001 3/20/2018 7967591

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20180304001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 Patch 02 ESXi650-201712001 12/19/2017 7388607

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20171204001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 U1 Express Patch 4 ESXi650-201710001 10/5/2017 6765664

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20171004001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 U1 ESXi 6.5 U1 7/27/2017 5969303

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20170702001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5.0d ESXi650-201704001 4/18/2017 5310538

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20170404001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5. Express Patch 1a ESXi650-201703002 3/28/2017 5224529

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20170304101-standard -d

ESXi 6.5. Patch 01 ESXi650-201703001 3/9/2017 5146846

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20170304001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5.0 a ESXi650-201701001 2/2/2017 4887370

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-20170104001-standard -d

ESXi 6.5 GA ESXi 6.5 GA 11/15/2016 4564106

esxcli software profile update -p ESXi-6.5.0-4564106-standard -d


Detailed Instructions

If you skim through The Difference Between An ESXi Patch, Express Patch, and Update, and the VMware Patch Portal (which is where I harvested he profiles from), it can be a bit tough to figure out what's what. Guess what. Even when whatever latest emergency patch arrives such as Aug 14 2018's release of VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2018-0020 and VMSA-2018-0021 – L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF): CVE-2018-3646, CVE-2018-3620, and CVE-2018-3615, this article will be ready for you quickly, with me just needing to pre-pend a new one-liner ESXCLI command each time a new ESXi build appears. I already get notified automatically by signing up for Security Advisories here, apparently so does Alex Lopez @iVirtuAlex, who tweeted it out within 1 minute of the email arriving!


Let's start with this new Aug 14 2018 ESXi build, for example. The potential vulnerability it's intended to mitigate might not be quite so important in a home lab, but perhaps you want to give it a go for testing purposes. What better place to learn than in a lab? Besides, you do back up your ESXi before messing with it, don't you?

This Build 9484548 is so new it hasn't shown up on the handy VMware KB article Build numbers and versions of VMware ESXi/ESX (2143832) quite yet. But there is a rather universal way to download and install it, in one command. Works great if your ESXi host has internet access. William Lam and Andreas Peetz have actually blogged about using esxcli for ESXi updates back in 2012 here and here. This article revisits that particular technique. Why, even in this day and age when VCSA has VUM baked in? Here's why.

Yeah, it's that easy! While you do have to temporarily enable SSH on your ESXi host(s) first for remote access over SSH. You really should read this ENTIRE article before upgrading. Why? Well, if you rush, you may find yourself with ESXi 6.5 Update 2, which has no valid upgrade path to ESXi 6.7 currently. Yeah, details matter, so be very careful out there, and do your homework! Since I know many home lab enthusiasts have no way to easily open a SR# with VMware for support, please take the time to backup your ESXi first, so you can easily and safely roll back, if needed.

You should be updating your VCSA before your ESXi, see also at TinkerTry:

You may also find Eric Siebert's Important information to know before upgrading to vSphere 6.7 and Brandon Lee's VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7 New Features Installing and Upgrading.

The ESXCLI method of updating is a more universal way to upgrade ESXi that works even for the free hypervisor. It's actually a one-liner that side-steps the preferred VUM method for those without VCSA, and/or those without a My VMware account or and expired trial, instead downloading the patch directly. This ESXCLI method doesn't have quite as easy a way to revert (aka roll-back) if things go wrong. If you have access to the latest ESXi ISO, downloading and booting from that and choosing Upgrade is safer. If you have VCSA 6.7, using vSphere Update Manager VUM is safer too. It's a lot more fun to have VCSA in your home lab, and doing so beyond the 60 day trial has gotten a whole lot more affordable too, with the 365 day renewable VMUG Advantage EVALExperience. See also VMware ESXi Upgrade.

I cannot feasibly provide support for your upgrade, especially given the variety of unsupported hardware out there, see full disclaimer at below-left. This article is focused mostly on small home labs, was voluntarily authored.

If you don't have a backup, and you don't have any support contract with VMware (such as VMUG Advantage EVALExperience), you are putting yourself at risk if you don't take a moment to back up your ESXi before proceeding, and note that I have full walk through video of free Windows software that allows you to do it.

Don't rush things. At a minimum, even for a home lab, you'll want to read this entire article before patching anything! Special thanks go out to VCDX 194 Matt Kozloski, whose invaluable feedback improved my recent update articles.

Step 1 - do your homework

VMware ESXI Release Notes

Read them all, for both the major release such as vSphere 6.7 Release Notes, and for the patch release, such as ESXi 6.7 EP 02a.

Step 2 - Follow Prerequisites

Once you've completed ALL of the following preparation steps:

  1. upgraded to the latest VCSA
  2. I tend to put my modern systems BIOs setting to UEFI mode (instead of Dual), see details here, as a bit of future proofing. You should also read Mike Foley's warnings in Secure Boot for ESXi 6.5 – Hypervisor Assurance

    Possible upgrade issues
    UEFI secure boot requires that the original VIB signatures are persisted. Older versions of ESXi do not persist the signatures, but the upgrade process updates the VIB signatures.

    If your host was upgraded using the ESXCLI command then your bootloader wasn't upgraded and doesn't persist the signatures. When you enable Secure Boot after the upgrade, an error occurs. You can't use Secure Boot on these installations and will have to re-install from scratch to gain that support.

  3. Backed up the ESXi 6.x hypervisor you've already installed and configured, for easy roll-back in case things go wrong. If it's on USB or SD, it's best to clone to a new USB drive and boot from it, to be sure your "backup" is good, it's all explained at USB Image Tool for Windows easily backs up and restores your complete VMware ESXi hypervisor on USB or SD flash drives, a simple/free clone for peace of mind before patching or upgrading.
    If you don't wish to do either, at least follow this VMware KB article:
    How to back up ESXi host configuration (2042141)
  4. Ensured your ESXi 6.x host has a working internet connection.
  5. Read this entire article, yes, even the entire set of prerequisites above.

Step 3 - Perform Upgrade using VUM (vSphere Update Manager)

Helpful for folks who have VCSA already installed and configured. Instructions coming soon, similar to what you see here and here.

- OR -

Step 3 - Perform Upgrade using ESXCLI

Step-by-Step Instructions

Download and upgrade to the latest VMware ESXI using the patch bundle that comes directly from the VMware Online Depot

The entire process including reboot is usually well under 10 minutes, and many of the steps below are optional, making it appear more difficult than it is. Triple-clicking on a line of code below highlights the whole thing with a carriage return, so you can then right-click and copy it into your clipboard, which gets executed immediately upon pasting into your SSH session. If you want to edit the line before it's executed, manually swipe your mouse across each line of code with no trailing spaces at the end.

  1. Open an SSH session (eg. PuTTY) to your ESXi 6.x server
    (if you forgot to enable SSH, here's how)

  2. OPTIONAL - Turn on Maintenance Mode - Or you can just be sure to manually shutdown all the VMs gracefully that you care about, including VCSA. These instructions are geared to a home lab without High Availability enabled. This is also a good time to ensure you've also set ESXi host to automatically gracefully shutdown all VMs upon host reboot, or if you don't use vCenter or VCSA, use this Host Client method.

  3. OPTIONAL - Reboot (Pro Tip courtesy of VCDX 194 Matt Kozloski) - Consider rebooting your ESXi server and maybe even a hard power cycle before updating. Matt explains:

    if people are running on SD cards or USB sticks and they haven't rebooted the server in a LONG time to patch/update, I would strongly recommend doing a reboot of the server before applying any updates. I've seen, more than once, the SD card or the controller goes into some funky state and as ESXi is running largely in memory, it can comes up half patched or not patched at all. A [cold] reboot before update helps with that (again, if a server has been running for a long period of time - like a year+ - since it was rebooted last). Cold (remove the power cables) can be important, if the SD card or USB stick is actually running on an embedded controller like iLO or iDRAC.

  4. OPTIONAL - Firewall allow outbound http requests - This command is likely not needed if you're upgrading from 6.5.x, and is here in case you get an error about https access. I'm trying to make these instructions applicable to the broadest set of readers. Paste the one line below into into your SSH session, then press enter:

    esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient

    More details about the firewall here.

  5. OPTIONAL - See a list of all available ESXi profiles - VMware's Upgrade or Update a Host with Image Profiles documentation tells you how this command was formed. Paste the one line below into into your SSH session, then press enter:

    esxcli software sources profile list --depot=

    You can cut-and-paste the output from the above command into a spreadsheet if you'd like, so you can then sort it, making it apparent which profile is the most recent.

  6. Dry Run - Taking this extra step will help you be sure of what is about to happen, before it actually happens.
    Here's the simple command to cut-and-paste into your SSH session:
    [command pasted from above] --dry-run

    If you see some VIBs that are going to be removed that you need, you'll need to be fully prepared to manually re-install them after the actual upgrade below. If it's a network VIB that is used for your ESXi service console, you'll want to be extra careful to re-install that same VIB before rebooting your just-patched host(s). Don't just assume some later VIB version will work fine with your hardware, use what you know works, and carefully double-check the VMware Compatibility Guide for the recommended version.

    Warning! I constructed the right command syntax and tested this with the dry run, but I have not actually tested this upgrade myself yet!

  7. ACTUAL RUN - This is it, the all-in-one download and patch command, assuming your ESXi host has internet access. This will pull down the ESXi Image Profile using https, then it will run the patch script.
    When you paste this line into your SSH session and hit enter, you'll need to be patient, as nothing seems to happen at first. It will take somewhere between roughly 3 to 10 minutes before the completion screen (sample below) appears:

    [command pasted from above]
  8. OPTIONAL - Firewall disallow outbound http requests - - To return your firewall to how it was before (optional) step 4 above, simply copy and paste the following:

    esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e false -r httpClient
  9. Attention Xeon D-1500 Owners - These 3 lines used to be needed, but so far, Xeon D-1500 systems seem to work fine with the inbox drivers in 6.7 itself.

  10. Reboot - This is needed for the new hypervisor version to be loaded upon restart. You may want to watch the DCUI (local console) as it boots, to see if any errors show up.

  11. OPTIONAL - If you turned on Maintenance Mode in step 3 above, you'll need to turn it off.

  12. You're Done! - You may want to be continue with checking whether everything is working correctly after your systems is back up again, but you are done with the update itself. You can also watch DCUI during the boot if you'd like, to see if you spot any warnings.

  13. Test things out - Log in with ESXi Host Client (pointing your browser directly at your IP address or ESXi servername), and be sure everything seems to function fine. You may need to re-map USB devices to VMs that use USB, and you may need to re-map VT-d (passthrough) devices to VMs that use passthrough devices like GPUs.

  14. You're Really Done! - If you're happy that everything seems to be working well, that's a wrap, but keep that backup, just in case you notice something odd later on.

Version Confirmation

Now that you've updated and rebooted, various UIs will show your ESXi version, depending upon where you look. Here's just an example below, your version numbers will vary.

Host Client:

  • Version: 6.7.0 (Build 8169922)
  • Image profile: (Updated) ESXi-6.5.0-20180304001-standard (VMware, Inc.)

vSphere Web Client (Flash):

  • Hypervisor: VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 8169922
  • Image Profile: ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-standard

vSphere Client (HTML5):

  • Hypervisor: VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 8169922
  • Image Profile: ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-standard

SSH session to updated ESXi host:

vmware -vl
  • VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-8169922 | VMware ESXi 6.7.0 GA
uname -a
  • VMkernel xd-1541-5028d.lab.local 6.7.0 #1 SMP Release build-8169922 Apr 3 2018 14:48:22 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 ESXi

Notes for Xeon D Owners

  • There is now BIOS 2.0 that includes Spectre mitigation that arrived in BIOS 1.3.
  • The default ESXi 6.7 install works great! See also:
    How to easily install VMware ESXi 6.7 on an Intel Xeon D Supermicro SuperServer
  • There may be a better, recommended I350 1GbE driver and/or a better X557 10GbE driver, but the default/included inbox drivers seem to work fine with preliminary initial tests. I have more homework to do there. There's also no longer any need to "fix" odd RPM and temperature readings that were evident in 6.5, perhaps that SR# I filed finally paid off?


Step-by-step video showing me upgrading a Xeon D in my home lab is coming soon. Meanwhile, I do have a video of how easy backing ESXi itself up can be.

Disclaimer/Disclosure - I cannot feasibly provide support for your upgrade, especially given the variety of unsupported hardware out there, see full disclaimer at below-left. This article is focused mostly on small home labs, was voluntarily authored, and not associated with my employment at VMware. It is not official documentation. I work in the storage division, separate from the group developing and supporting the hypervisor.

See also at TinkerTry











See also

  • VMware ESXi Upgrade

    Upgrading Hosts That Have Third-Party Custom VIBs
    A host can have custom vSphere installation bundles (VIBs) installed, for example, for third-party drivers or management agents. When you upgrade an ESXi host to 6.7, all supported custom VIBs are migrated, regardless of whether the VIBs are included in the installer ISO.
    If the host or the installer ISO image contains a VIB that creates a conflict and prevents the upgrade, an error message identifies the VIB that created the conflict. To upgrade the host, take one of the following actions:

    • Remove the VIB that created the conflict from the host and retry the upgrade. If you are using vSphere Update Manager, select the option to remove third-party software modules during the remediation process. For more information, see the Installing and Administering VMware vSphere Update Manager documentation. You can also remove the VIB that created the conflict from the host by using esxcli commands. For more information, see Remove VIBs from a Host.

    • Use the vSphere ESXi Image Builder CLI to create a custom installer ISO image that resolves the conflict. For more information about vSphere ESXi Image Builder CLI installation and usage, see the vCenter Server Installation and Setup documentation.


which hasn't been updated for 6.7, but holds valuable information.


There is no 6.7 version of this document yet.


Upgrade Log

ESXi 6.7 Upgrade log coming soon, meanwhile, I have the dry run output below, and what the previous 6.5 update looked like here:

Below, I've pasted the full text of my update. It will help you see what drivers are touched. Just use the horizontal scroll bar or shift + mousewheel to look around, and Ctrl+F to Find stuff quickly:

As also seen in my video of my previous upgrade, here's the full contents of my ssh session, as I completed my Xeon D-1541 upgrade from
Version: 6.5.0 Update 1 (Build 7388607)
Version: 6.5.0 Update 1 (Build 7967591)

login as: root  Using keyboard-interactive authentication.  Password:  The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.    WARNING:     All commands run on the ESXi shell are logged and may be included in     support bundles. Do not provide passwords directly on the command line.     Most tools can prompt for secrets or accept them from standard input.    VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools.  Please  see for details.    The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the  vSphere Security documentation for more information.  [root@xd-1567-5028d:~] esxcli software profile update -d -p ESXi-6.5.0-20180304001-standard --dry-run  Update Result     Message: Dryrun only, host not changed. The following installers will be applied: [BootBankInstaller]     Reboot Required: true     VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_cpu-microcode_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.5.0-1.41.7547709, VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-1.41.7547710     VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_cpu-microcode_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.5.0-1.36.7388608, VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-1.36.7388609     VIBs Skipped: VMW_bootbank_ata-libata-92_3.00.9.2-16vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-amd_0.3.10-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-atiixp_0.4.6-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-cmd64x_0.2.5-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-hpt3x2n_0.3.4-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-pdc2027x_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-serverworks_0.4.3-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-sil680_0.4.8-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-via_0.3.3-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_block-cciss_3.6.14-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_char-random_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ehci-ehci-hcd_1.0-4vmw.650.0.14.5146846, VMW_bootbank_elxnet_11.1.91.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_hid-hid_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_i40en_1.3.1-5vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_igbn_0.1.0.0-15vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_ima-qla4xxx_2.02.18-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-devintf_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-msghandler_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ixgben_1.4.1-2vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_lpfc_11.1.0.6-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-mr3_6.910.18.00-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt2_20.00.01.00-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt3_12.00.02.00-11vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_misc-cnic-register_1.78.75.v60.7-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_misc-drivers_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_mtip32xx-native_3.9.5-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ne1000_0.8.0-16vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_nenic_1.0.0.2-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-bnx2_2.2.4f.v60.10-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-bnx2x_1.78.80.v60.12-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-cdc-ether_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-cnic_1.78.76.v60.13-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-e1000_8.0.3.1-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-e1000e_3.2.2.1-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-enic_2.1.2.38-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-fcoe_1., VMW_bootbank_net-forcedeth_0.61-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-igb_5., VMW_bootbank_net-ixgbe_3., VMW_bootbank_net-libfcoe-92_1., VMW_bootbank_net-mlx4-core_1.9.7.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-mlx4-en_1.9.7.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-nx-nic_5.0.621-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-tg3_3.131d.v60.4-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-usbnet_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-vmxnet3_1.1.3.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nhpsa_2.0.6-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-en_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-rdma_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx5-core_4.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ntg3_4.1.3.0-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_nvme_1.2.0.32-5vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_nvmxnet3_2.0.0.23-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_ohci-usb-ohci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_pvscsi_0.1-1vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_qedentv_2.0.3.29-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qfle3_1.0.2.7-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qflge_1.1.0.3-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qlnativefc_2.1.50.0-1vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_sata-ahci_3.0-26vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_sata-ata-piix_2.12-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-nv_3.5-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-promise_2.12-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-sil24_1.1-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-sil_2.3-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-svw_2.3-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-aacraid_1.1.5.1-9vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-adp94xx_1.0.8.12-6vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-aic79xx_3.1-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-bnx2fc_1.78.78.v60.8-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-bnx2i_2.78.76.v60.8-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-fnic_1.5.0.45-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-hpsa_6.0.0.84-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-ips_7.12.05-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-iscsi-linux-92_1.0.0.2-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-libfc-92_1., VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid-mbox_2.20.5.1-6vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid-sas_6.603.55.00-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid2_2.00.4-9vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mpt2sas_19.00.00.00-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptsas_4.23.01.00-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptspi_4.23.01.00-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-qla4xxx_5.01.03.2-7vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-3-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_uhci-usb-uhci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_usb-storage-usb-storage_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_usbcore-usb_1.0-3vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_vmkata_0.1-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_vmkplexer-vmkplexer_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_vmkusb_0.1-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_vmw-ahci_1.0.0-39vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_xhci-xhci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_emulex-esx-elxnetcli_11.1.28.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_esx-dvfilter-generic-fastpath_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.23.0-6506686, VMware_bootbank_esx-xserver_6.5.0-0.23.5969300, VMware_bootbank_lsu-hp-hpsa-plugin_2.0.0-5vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-mr3-plugin_1.0.0-10vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-msgpt3-plugin_1.0.0-7vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-megaraid-sas-plugin_1.0.0-8vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-mpt2sas-plugin_2.0.0-6vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_native-misc-drivers_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_rste_2.0.2.0088-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_vmware-esx-esxcli-nvme-plugin_1.2.0.10-1.26.5969303, VMware_locker_tools-light_6.5.0-1.33.7273056  [root@xd-1567-5028d:~] esxcli software profile update -d -p ESXi-6.5.0-20180304001-standard  Update Result     Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.     Reboot Required: true     VIBs Installed: VMware_bootbank_cpu-microcode_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_6.5.0-1.41.7967591, VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.5.0-1.41.7547709, VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-1.41.7547710     VIBs Removed: VMware_bootbank_cpu-microcode_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_esx-tboot_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.5.0-1.36.7388608, VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-1.36.7388609     VIBs Skipped: VMW_bootbank_ata-libata-92_3.00.9.2-16vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-amd_0.3.10-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-atiixp_0.4.6-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-cmd64x_0.2.5-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-hpt3x2n_0.3.4-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-pdc2027x_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-serverworks_0.4.3-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-sil680_0.4.8-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-via_0.3.3-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_block-cciss_3.6.14-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_char-random_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ehci-ehci-hcd_1.0-4vmw.650.0.14.5146846, VMW_bootbank_elxnet_11.1.91.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_hid-hid_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_i40en_1.3.1-5vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_igbn_0.1.0.0-15vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_ima-qla4xxx_2.02.18-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-devintf_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-msghandler_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ixgben_1.4.1-2vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_lpfc_11.1.0.6-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-mr3_6.910.18.00-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt2_20.00.01.00-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt3_12.00.02.00-11vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_misc-cnic-register_1.78.75.v60.7-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_misc-drivers_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_mtip32xx-native_3.9.5-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ne1000_0.8.0-16vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_nenic_1.0.0.2-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-bnx2_2.2.4f.v60.10-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-bnx2x_1.78.80.v60.12-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-cdc-ether_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-cnic_1.78.76.v60.13-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-e1000_8.0.3.1-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-e1000e_3.2.2.1-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-enic_2.1.2.38-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-fcoe_1., VMW_bootbank_net-forcedeth_0.61-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-igb_5., VMW_bootbank_net-ixgbe_3., VMW_bootbank_net-libfcoe-92_1., VMW_bootbank_net-mlx4-core_1.9.7.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-mlx4-en_1.9.7.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-nx-nic_5.0.621-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-tg3_3.131d.v60.4-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-usbnet_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_net-vmxnet3_1.1.3.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nhpsa_2.0.6-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-core_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-en_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx4-rdma_3.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_nmlx5-core_4.16.0.0-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_ntg3_4.1.3.0-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_nvme_1.2.0.32-5vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_nvmxnet3_2.0.0.23-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_ohci-usb-ohci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_pvscsi_0.1-1vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_qedentv_2.0.3.29-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qfle3_1.0.2.7-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qflge_1.1.0.3-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_qlnativefc_2.1.50.0-1vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_sata-ahci_3.0-26vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_sata-ata-piix_2.12-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-nv_3.5-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-promise_2.12-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-sil24_1.1-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-sil_2.3-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_sata-sata-svw_2.3-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-aacraid_1.1.5.1-9vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-adp94xx_1.0.8.12-6vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-aic79xx_3.1-5vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-bnx2fc_1.78.78.v60.8-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-bnx2i_2.78.76.v60.8-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-fnic_1.5.0.45-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-hpsa_6.0.0.84-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-ips_7.12.05-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-iscsi-linux-92_1.0.0.2-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-libfc-92_1., VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid-mbox_2.20.5.1-6vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid-sas_6.603.55.00-2vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid2_2.00.4-9vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mpt2sas_19.00.00.00-1vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptsas_4.23.01.00-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptspi_4.23.01.00-10vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_scsi-qla4xxx_5.01.03.2-7vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-1-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-2-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-3-0_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_uhci-usb-uhci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_usb-storage-usb-storage_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_usbcore-usb_1.0-3vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_vmkata_0.1-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_vmkplexer-vmkplexer_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMW_bootbank_vmkusb_0.1-1vmw.650.1.36.7388607, VMW_bootbank_vmw-ahci_1.0.0-39vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMW_bootbank_xhci-xhci_1.0-3vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_emulex-esx-elxnetcli_11.1.28.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_esx-dvfilter-generic-fastpath_6.5.0-1.36.7388607, VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.23.0-6506686, VMware_bootbank_esx-xserver_6.5.0-0.23.5969300, VMware_bootbank_lsu-hp-hpsa-plugin_2.0.0-5vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-mr3-plugin_1.0.0-10vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-msgpt3-plugin_1.0.0-7vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-megaraid-sas-plugin_1.0.0-8vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-mpt2sas-plugin_2.0.0-6vmw.650.1.26.5969303, VMware_bootbank_native-misc-drivers_6.5.0-0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_rste_2.0.2.0088-4vmw.650.0.0.4564106, VMware_bootbank_vmware-esx-esxcli-nvme-plugin_1.2.0.10-1.26.5969303, VMware_locker_tools-light_6.5.0-1.33.7273056  [root@xd-1567-5028d:~] reboot

Dry Run Output

Yes, this is the output I received when typing this on a system that was already at 6.7, as I don't yet have another system available to test the 6.5 to 6.7 ESXICLI upgrade technique with yet. I hope to have more time this weekend for further testing, and updating this article.

login as: root  Using keyboard-interactive authentication.  Password:  The time and date of this login have been sent to the system logs.    WARNING:     All commands run on the ESXi shell are logged and may be included in     support bundles. Do not provide passwords directly on the command line.     Most tools can prompt for secrets or accept them from standard input.    VMware offers supported, powerful system administration tools.  Please  see for details.    The ESXi Shell can be disabled by an administrative user. See the  vSphere Security documentation for more information.  [root@xd-1541-5028d:~] esxcli software profile update -d -p ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-standard --dry-run  Update Result     Message: Dryrun only, host not changed. The following installers will be applied: []     Reboot Required: false     VIBs Installed:     VIBs Removed:     VIBs Skipped: VMW_bootbank_ata-libata-92_3.00.9.2-16vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-amd_0.3.10-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-atiixp_0.4.6-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-cmd64x_0.2.5-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-hpt3x2n_0.3.4-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-pdc2027x_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-serverworks_0.4.3-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-sil680_0.4.8-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ata-pata-via_0.3.3-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_block-cciss_3.6.14-10vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_bnxtnet_20.6.101.7-11vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_brcmfcoe_11.4.1078.0-8vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_char-random_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ehci-ehci-hcd_1.0-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_elxiscsi_11.4.1174.0-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_elxnet_11.4.1094.0-5vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_hid-hid_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_i40en_1.3.1-18vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_iavmd_1.2.0.1011-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_igbn_0.1.0.0-15vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ima-qla4xxx_2.02.18-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-devintf_39.1-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-msghandler_39.1-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ipmi-ipmi-si-drv_39.1-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_iser_1.0.0.0-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_ixgben_1.4.1-11vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lpfc_11.4.33.1-6vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lpnic_11.4.59.0-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lsi-mr3_7.702.13.00-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt2_20.00.04.00-4vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt35_03.00.01.00-10vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_lsi-msgpt3_16.00.01.00-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_misc-cnic-register_1.78.75.v60.7-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, 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VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid-sas_6.603.55.00-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_scsi-megaraid2_2.00.4-9vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mpt2sas_19.00.00.00-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptsas_4.23.01.00-10vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_scsi-mptspi_4.23.01.00-10vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_scsi-qla4xxx_5.01.03.2-7vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-1-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-iscsi-linux-9-2-2-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-1-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libata-9-2-2-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-1-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfc-9-2-2-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-1-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-libfcoe-9-2-2-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-1-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-2-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_shim-vmklinux-9-2-3-0_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_smartpqi_1.0.1.553-10vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_uhci-usb-uhci_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_usb-storage-usb-storage_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_usbcore-usb_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_vmkata_0.1-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_vmkfcoe_1.0.0.0-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_vmkplexer-vmkplexer_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_vmkusb_0.1-1vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_vmw-ahci_1.2.0-6vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMW_bootbank_xhci-xhci_1.0-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_cpu-microcode_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_elx-esx-libelxima.so_11.4.1184.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_esx-dvfilter-generic-fastpath_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_esx-ui_1.25.0-7872652, VMware_bootbank_esx-xserver_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_lsu-hp-hpsa-plugin_2.0.0-13vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-mr3-plugin_1.0.0-12vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-lsi-msgpt3-plugin_1.0.0-8vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-megaraid-sas-plugin_1.0.0-9vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_lsu-lsi-mpt2sas-plugin_2.0.0-7vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_native-misc-drivers_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_qlnativefc_3.0.1.0-5vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_rste_2.0.2.0088-7vmw.670.0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_vmware-esx-esxcli-nvme-plugin_1.2.0.32-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.7.0-0.0.8169922, VMware_locker_tools-light_10.2.0.7253323-8169922  [root@xd-1541-5028d:~]

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