Expanding your Switch with DIY Lego accessories seems like a natural next step
Nintendo’s upcoming Labo cardboard accessories for the Switch look really fun. But if you can’t wait another few weeks to build your own cool Switch gizmos — or rightfully recognize that Lego is a far superior building material than corrugated paper — you can get started on your DIY projects a little earlier with Lego Switch accessories (via MotherBoard).
The Lego Switch accessories come from YouTube vmln8r, who took a 3D-printed Switch accessory rail (like how the Joy-Con controllers attach) and modified it so that he could attach Lego Technic pieces instead. From there, the sky is the limit: vmln8r used Lego pieces to build a functional stand for the Switch (instead of Nintendo’s terrible one), a controller grip, a steering wheel...
via The Verge - Tech Posts "https://ift.tt/2uUaXM6"
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