TinyLetter is a perfect platform, and it is probably not dying
A recent Inc article reporting that MailChimp would integrate the newsletter platform TinyLetter into its primary email marketing service sent the online writing community into a small tizzy, with headlines reading “What We Know About MailChimp’s Plan to End TinyLetter” and “Rest in Peace, TinyLetter.”
In reality, all the Inc article said — beyond its misleading headline — was “TinyLetter’s functionality will be enhanced in its migration to MailChimp.” There were no details on what that meant, and certainly no indication that the platform was being killed.
Incredibly sad that @tinyletter appears to be shutting down. I wonder how long people have to scoop up their archives. https://t.co/1rRYzqMJTW
— Melody Joy Kramer (@mkramer) January...
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